Sunday, February 4, 2007

Raising money for feeding the stock

After spending time at the property over xmas and New Year it was just so depressing how dry it was. I had my faithful camera with me as i always do (No i am not a professional) I just love taking pictures and so i took a picture and said to my Uncle we can look back at this picture and remember this drought and how lucky we were to pull through it. My uncle repled 'Who knows when the drought will end' I thought about this and realised goss his right, how do we know? So i began a plan to Save our family Farm as it has been in our family for five generations. I did not want to become a statistic of losing a farm
To cut along story short i decided to sell pictures of the farm, and i had a look on to see who was buying what. I was amazed at people buying pictures/paintings for thousands of dollars and i thought i wonder if they would pay $30 to help our farm survive the drought? I stayed up till one am and listed my first photo which was of BOB the Kelpie with the heading. BUY A FARM PICTURE TO HELP FEED THE SHEEP IN DROUGHT. I wasnt sure if anyone would buy it but i got up the next morning with BIDS i was so excited i listed a couple more. And on Thursday the 25th January i sold my first picture.
HOW EXCITING i then had media contact me and i was a bit scared as i hadnt dealt with them before. But wiht encouragement i decided that it would help get the awareness out there. I didnt want to be famous i just wanted to feed our animals.

1 comment:

Rhonda053 said...

Hi aws, the green is definitely a better colour than the brown. I am enjoying the forums and bidding on your pictures, and hope to at least win one! Always seem to be outbid though, but that is the fun of auctions. I WILL win one eventually though.
I wish some of the water from the Queensland floods would spill over to NSW and Vic.
Keep up the good work.